When starting your life after college, from planning and working through your career and personal goals, do not overlook your eyes. Eye health is critical as you need your eyes to navigate your way to your goals.
Your eye health is relatively easy to maintain; building good eye care habits only takes a little determination. These habits will be helpful to you throughout your life as you tackle different challenges and scale new career heights.
Why should you go for eye exams if you have perfect vision? Your eyes are delicate structures that constantly change as you age. Good vision is not the only way to know you have excellent eye health.
An eye exam can help you know exactly how well you can see and if you require any eyewear. A comprehensive eye exam can detect any underlying systemic conditions that may be hidden. So, regular eye exams are excellent for your eyes, vision, and overall health.
UV rays can harm your eyes, especially over long-term exposure, as they can cause some eye conditions later in life. Long-term UV exposure is associated with age-related eye conditions that can damage your vision.
Taking steps to limit UV exposure when you are young can help protect your sight when you have scaled up the ladder in your career. While sunglasses may seem like a fashion statement, they are much more than that—they must offer 100% UV protection.
Your eye health can also be significantly impacted by what you eat. Consider that diets rich in vegetables and fruits have been proven to help improve eye health in the long term.
Some vegetables are rich in particular antioxidants and are proven to prevent the formation of cataracts. You can get these potent antioxidants in high concentrations in kale, collard greens, spinach, and other dark leafy greens.
Research findings also indicate that grapes help reduce the chance of retinal degeneration due to oxidative stress. In addition, experts also found grapes to have a much more significant impact on protecting the eyes with antioxidants than lutein alone. According to this information, vegetables and fruits may be elemental in minimizing the risk of developing AMD later in life.
One of the most common eye conditions is dry eye syndrome, which can significantly lower life quality. One way to help keep this at bay is by staying hydrated with water or fresh juices. It will help keep your eyes well hydrated and lubricated throughout your day, even if you must wear contact lenses.
Today, many people will spend almost nine hours a day looking at a digital screen, exposing them to higher chances of digital eyestrain. You can take steps to limit this, like improving your screen distance and elevation and taking regular breaks when working.
For more on learning how to keep your eyes safe and healthy, visit Federal Hill Eye Care at our office in Baltimore, Maryland. Call (410) 752-8208 to book an appointment today.